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Tryst Space

Tryst Space Mobile App

Tryst is a concept I had for local emerging markets innovating how societies utilize retail and gathering spaces by optimizing for max capacity and utilization. I am a big fan of arts and culture and the effects it can have as a creative outlet for people of all ages. Tryst Space is a mobile app that allows restaurant and gathering spaces to book afternoon performances and invite guests whose ticket purchases are also handled through the app. Restaurants that want to give a reason for folks to gather at lunchtime on a weekday can book a live theater production, musical guest or other art performance.

Work: UI Concept

Date: 2020

Credits: Apple iOS 13 Sketch Library, Prime 2.2, InVision iPhone Mockup

Tryst Space Logo

Tryst Space Logo

Login Screen

Home Screen

The home screen has all of the important shows that users may like to catch up on when browsing leisurely. The typography is prominent for the nav tab, headings and card descriptions. The performance-esque black-box theater themed styling is balanced with a modern vivid purple color set.

Events Screen

A full width banner scrolls horizontally through categories predefined for users looking to browse the entire catalog of shows. Small cards are available for long scrolling through all available shows, based on filters and selected region. A search bar is displayed prominently for locals who may already know of a show or restaurant where a performance is taking place and need a direct way to get to an individual event page.

Ticket Purchase

Under an individual ticketing/event page is a full-width series of pictures of the performance and local space itself. There is a slight nudge to Buy Now where users will arrive to a different page and view immediate openings to book the performance. This was done by reverting back to the simple black-box theater styling, showing support for local artists.